Momentum’s Movember Moust
In respect of Movember, Momentum would like to bring awareness to Prostate Cancer…and what better way to do so than by having a bunch of our coaches, diggers and industry folk talking about their stashes!
Watch and study the video that was shot at Momentum this summer below, and the first person to correctly name ALL of the people in the video wins. You may enter as many time as like, and you must submit your answers in this thread (and all names must be in one post). Moustache rides to those that qualify!
The contest is open for one week, and ends on Monday, December 5th, at which point the winner will be announced. This contest is just for fun and all about raising awareness for Movember and its fight to battle Prostate Cancer, but prizes rule, so the winner will receive a $100 discount off of camp next summer.
On behalf of everyone at Momentum Ski Camps and Newschoolers, good luck!
November 27, 2011