Session 2 Recap – Family Week
Family Week – when the kids bring their parents to camp! After the kids have dropped the parents off to their coaches, they become free to focus on their own progression, without the fussing and pestering that many parents unintentionally impose.
This not only suits the kids… Parents also feel relieved from the watchful eye of their children, free to reconnect with their peers, talk nostalgically about their hot dogging days and to unleash their freestyle flair.

Each day started with stretch, which some coaches chose to turn into an early morning dance party. By tradition, this is followed by a challenge, for sponsor swag. The kids’ best performance came out in the slug race, where they were required to inch their bodies across the snow, with the fastest snagging a prize.

After the challenge, everyone would get down to business. Mogul coaches challenged themselves by racing the youngest campers down the mogul course, while park coaches instructed campers how to lock onto rails.

Campers, progressed their backflips from trampoline, to water ramps, to airbags and then finally snow! We were stoked how many campers landed their backflips on snow first try!

Mogul campers were stoked when Olympic Gold medallist and World Champ Mikael Kingsbury showed up to guest coach for a day. After watching him train with the Canadian National Team the day before, the campers were excited to hang out with the World’s number 1 mogul skier.

While there were a few instances of kids vs adults on the glacier, for the most part, everyone got along swimmingly

To wrap things up, we threw a massive park party. There was pizza, dodge ball, challenges, prizes and skits. Thanks for everyone who took part in Session 2. We hope you had as much fun as we did!