Session 4 Recap
It’s been a few weeks since our last day shredding on the glacier, but boy, were the last two sessions of Camp busy! We had so much going on, that it was hard to keep up with all the action. Session 4 had it all; moguls, park, snowboard, big mountain, Exposure (film & photo) and SLVSH. On top of that, we had two of our most loved sponsors join us on the glacier- K2 Skis and O’Neill North America.
Unique to Session 4 is Exposure – our action sport film and photo camp, were we pair campers up with some of the best filmers and photographer in the ski/ snowboard snow sports industry, and get them all up on the glacier to shoot the talent and action going down in front of their eyes. As part of Exposure we hold an exclusive night shoot, where select coaches and athletes ski the lane until the sun goes down, allowing the film and photo campers to capture images during the alpine sunset. This year, the weather played a little nasty, limiting the light, but creativity from the campers and coaches reigned and some stunning photos and film were produced.
Session 4 was also our second instalment of snowboard camp. Chris Rasman, Darcy Sharpe and Mikey Ciccarelli were all on board to coach our awesome crew of snowboard campers.
Austin Ross was back as head Big Mountain coach, with Alexi Godbout making a return to Momentum (this time as a seasoned backcountry skier, rather after ditching his former life slopestyle competitor). Not only did they hike, slash and air their way through the summer snow, they also took to the classroom and brushed up on their backcountry safety, snow science and companion rescue skills with Brett Menter from Altus Mountain Guides.
In the park, we were joined by the SLVSH team, Joss Christensen (also an Olympic Gold Medallist) and Jake Carney. Instabangers were thrown down and SLVSH games were set up between coaches, campers and diggers. We will have to wait until Spring 2020 to view the full videos of these, but it looked like skiing progression was at an all time high when the SLVSH cameras came out.
Mogul coaches held it down in the bumps line, coaching campers to absorb, air and most importantly, to look good while doing it.
After the action of Session 4, we were hard pressed to imagine that it could get any better. But, with Girls Week in Session 5, we knew the party would continue.
August 7, 2019