Sochi Olympians Return to Coach at Momentum Camps
June 22, 2014
Whistler, BC – Many of the top Olympians from Sochi will be in Whistler over the next few weeks coaching the next generation of skiing stars at Momentum Summer Ski Camps.
Camp Director and 2 time Olympian John Smart says, “Our campers will have an amazing mix of inspirational coaches and mentors this summer – it’s the best line-up we have ever had in terms of # of Olympians and World Cup medalists and we know that giving the kids access to these high performance athletes really stokes their fire and inspires them to make their own dreams come true. ” Over 60 of the world’s top park, pipe and bump skiers have signed up to coach this summer at the camp’s 5 weeks of Mogul and Slopestyle sessions, which run on the glacier at the top of Blackcomb Mountain, Whistler, BC, June 20 – July 28th.
Momentum will offer a special Canadian Olympic Mogul focus during their 2nd Session, July 27 – July 4th. 2014 Olympic Silver medalist Mik Kingsbury will be joining the team to coach for 9 days, along with Olympians Phil Marquis, Audrey Robichaud and local 2 x Olympian Tami Bradley. World Cup skiers Eddie Hicks, Chelsea Henitiuk, Bobby Aldighieri and Jackie Brown round out the world class roster.
Mik, Phil and campers.
Inaugural Slopestyle and Pipe 2014 Olympic Gold medalist Josh Christensen and Silver medalist Mike Riddle, along with Olympians Britain’s James Woods, ABM, Justin Dorey, Matt Margetts and Noah Bowman, are headlining the men’s crew. Other big names in the sport such as Silver medalist Gus Kenworthy, Bobby Brown, Alex Schlopy, TJ Schiller, Rory Bushfield, Josh Bibby and Colby West will also be coaching over the next few weeks.
Gus Kenworthy and his campers
The Olympic theme continues into Momentum’s popular ‘Girls Week’ (July 4 – 12) when Canadian Olympic Slopestyle Gold and Bronze medalists Dara Howell and Kim Lamarre, along with teammates Roz Groenewoud, Meg Gunning, Yuki Tsubota and Keltie Hansen join Momentum’s experienced female crew.
Every summer Momentum builds the largest and most diverse private terrain park on the glacier, including two giant airbags, jumps, rails and a full length FIS spec mogul course. Momentum welcomes over 500 skiers from all over the world aged 9 to 65!
For more information visit www.momentumcamps.com
Or call 604 905 8244