‘Sponsor Me’ Contest





 Momentum Camps is looking for someone to sponsor!


We want to support and help you achieve your goals as a skier. Momentum is committed to progressing the sport of freestyle skiing and in an effort to help out the next generation of up and comers we’re hosting this contest!

What will you get if you win a sponsorship from Momentum?


11 x Full Package week at camp skiing with and being coached by some of the best skiers in the World. Value up to: CDN $2,770.00
2An edit filmed and produced by one of our Pro filmers, showcasing your skiing and experience at Summer Camp. We will produce and release this edit online to all of our followers helping promote you to the skiing community and other potential sponsors.
3Momentum Prize Pack: Hoodies, T-shirts, Beanie, Gloves & stickers to rep on the mountain.
4Ongoing support from us throughout the following year (2015/16 Winter) to promote your online content through our social media.


What do you need to do to Win?


1Mention & Tag @momentumcamps and #MomentumSponsorMe in your pictures, videos, competition results or updates that you post online between now and April 15th – the more the better!
2Use these tags on instagram, twitter and facebook to show us how you would promote Momentum as a sponsored skier. We will repost and tweet your top content to our followers!
3Showcase our logo and branding in your posts. Each contestant who registers will be delivered a sticker pack to work with.
4Bonus: produce an interesting or entertaining sponsor me video.


Note: You do not need to be the best up and coming skier to win. If you are creative and come up with entertaining ways that promote us you may Win! Some of the characteristics we are looking for include : Skiing talent, Positive role model, Personality, Creativity & Humour. You do not need to be strong in all!


Contest Deadline :  April 15th, 2015

Winner will be announced on April 31, 2015


Good Luck!  


Register Here

Fill out my online form.



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